Murder & Serious Violence

Emergency? Call 0203 963 7850 Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm or 07535 649 298 24hrs
Emergency? Call 0203 963 7850 Mon-Fri 9am-5.30pm.
Or 07535 649 298 24hrs
The lawyers at Kingsbury Ellis have been instructed in numerous cases of murder over the last 2 decades and work with many experienced Q.C’s in this field.
Such cases require a calm and methodical approach together with the ability to communicate effectively with those under immense pressure.
Of all the allegations a defendant can face, allegations of murder or serious violence bring with them special considerations, stresses and the need for a dedicated legal team from the outset.
Kingsbury Ellis appreciates this and from the point of arrest, a barrister with significant experience of dealing with allegations of this type will be involved in the running of your case.
Partners and lawyers of Kingsbury Ellis have represented defendants in numerous recent cases of serious violence, often involving multiple defendants and technical areas of evidence such as cell site & DNA transfer.